the Madhuri Nixit

makes no attempt to fix it: the Devi of the Darn is adamant — annihilation through embroidery. This is a style that lends itself to logo-logorrhea, whereby we try and replicate your sweater’s trademarked sign for just that 'what-the-heck effect'. It’s not for nothing Heidegger once called us litigationlustig.


The Adolf Loos of sweaters

a patron saint of no frills

overt ergonomics

and anomie anew

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A cable knit, not quite. For miscreants and misfits, cads cognoscenti, foppish femmes and anyone just unafraid to rococo. A riot in reverse — spun out of cardies and discarded ties — conspiracy of the counter-cravat.

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Our Breviary of Briefs
in seven menstrual monochromes

Have the time of the month every day of the week

Screenshot 2020-09-09 at 16.18.07
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A Neonixian is not a Nietzschean. What better way non-violently to eviscerate you sweater's surface infelicities (say, red wine stains), if not by hiding them in plainest sight, midst dapple delight.

The pleasure is pointillist, the beauty pied — tachisme , truly, transforming drip to dash to the basic(s) equivalence of dribbler and dickie. Such is at least the not-so-subtle subterfuge employed by Madhuri when darning (diurnally). And bear in mind that spinning yarn was Ghandi's.

Cross the ancient art of mending (the midnight oil) with the metastatic mores of capital and you arrive at Patchwork Solutions (TM): an insult rife now for reclaiming.

Wherewhile beguilingly, on the reverse, the cross-stitched Nixit-notches exert adorant acupressure...

(Madhuri Nixit is the least pokey of all label tags: extremely very unannoying to the skin, especially if excised.)

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